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Celebrate Good Times!

When I was a kid, I looked forward to my birthday almost as much as Christmas! Cake and ice cream, presents, St. Patrick's Day-Eve (we were the McCartys after all!), a whole day set aside to celebrate ME (the youngest of 4 siblings)!! It was my own kid dream come true!!

The older I get, however, the less excited I get about a day that revolves around me. Don't get me wrong, I love cake and presents as much as anyone, but what would those things be without the people with which we share our lives!?

As I was pondering these things, I realized that what I really want for my birthday this week..... is to celebrate all of our patients!! I am SO THANKFUL for you!! I love getting to know you, and becoming part of your lives! You are a blessing to me and Dr. Wayne both!

So come celebrate with us! Let us celebrate you, and lets all celebrate the good times and good friends that come our way by the grace of God!

THIS Friday, March 16!

There will be gifts for the first 10 patients and treats for all!

I look forward to seeing you! Go on and schedule your appointment now!

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